
Gualdesi - Bussaca

viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010


E: Somos Gualdesi y Bussaca y este es nuestro blog, que consiste en que nosotros podamos compartir nuestras ideas e informacion, ustedes pueden realizar comentarios sobre nuestras entradas. Durante este tiempo estaremos trabajando con la informatica sobre algunos temas variados los cuales seran evaluados, este trabajo se basa en otros trabajos practicos de ingles realizados por nosotros, esperamos que les guste.

I: We are Gualdesi and Bussaca, and this is our blog. visiting it we can share our ideas and information with you and you can comment our posts. During this time we will be working with technology on some different topics which will be evaluated. This work is based on several English assignments that we have handed in to practice guided writing. All of them were done by us, and we hope you like them .

3 comentarios:

Park dijo...

Nos gusta la composición del blog, es simple pero bien logrado.


We like the blog's composition, is simple but well done.


lilianal dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
lilianal dijo...

Impressive! I don’t know what to say… During the year all the groups have been working hard in this writing project, and with a lot of effort they fulfilled their objective. But it has been different in your group: you’ve had a lot of problems with stories translated literally from Spanish to English; you’ve had to re-write stories because of the misuse of the computer translator; the biography has had to be corrected because of being out of topic; and even many works haven’t been handed in to me. Nevertheless, you’ve designed your blog and included in it the stories. In fact, only one story is missing but I can’t understand why because you’ve prepared that draft and handed it in to me to be corrected! I don’t understand really… Your blog is quite well… The previous correction to the blog I’ve made some suggestions that you’ve carried out successfully and actually there aren’t many mistakes in the final presentation. You’ve attainted your final target and got a convincing paper to be evaluated positively. But you’ve known from the beginning of the project that your daily assignments and improvement in them would also be evaluated! This project involves process writing, that is to say, taking into account the pieces of writing you produce through all of its stages: planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. And, of course, considering your commitment to the project and the presentation of your assignments on time. In my opinion, you could have got a much better mark if you had really been involved in this work, and you had worked as it was required. You’ve got talent, my babies, but you haven’t put it to good use. Maybe you’ll be disappointed for your final mark, but I’m proud of you for trying and for, at least, having produced this interesting and well-designed blog. Mrs. Liliana Lo Preiato